Bold in italiano racchiude molti significati: "Ardito, audace, baldanzoso, chiaro, coraggioso, deciso, grosso, impudente, sfacciato, sicuro, spavaldo". Oppure "acceso, vivace" se riferito ad un colore. Anche "pestifero", in un'accezione più irlandese.
Un microcosmo, rinchiuso in una parola.
Palazzo Spinelli di Laurino - Napoli XXVIII sec.
"Dammi risposte complesse. Please"
Gipi - intro a "Unastoria"
Nessuna città come Napoli chiede, anzi, pretende risposte complesse.
Forse nessun luogo, esprime in modo più compiuto, ricco e profondo il concetto di organismo urbano ed architettonico.
Nella sua bellezza disarmante e struggente, Napoli è un organismo vivente e la sua potenza non è nella forma compiuta, ma nel suo stato in continuo divenire; per un forestiero come me, comprenderla ha a che fare con la personale capacità di accettare che, come qualunque organismo vivente, il suo sviluppo non può essere fermato in un momento ideale: come una barriera corallina che cresce su se stessa, si modifica, si articola a dismisura; perde delle parti, ne crea delle altre.
Un'alternanza e commistione, senza soluzione di continuità, di capolavori di architettura, cabine tecniche, reperti archeologici, abusi edilizi, antenne, fili elettrici, stucchi barocchi, condizionatori, crepe, ringhiere, statue rinascimentali, insegne luminose, grate, decori kitsch, bassorilievi in bronzo, neon, scritte con lo spray, targhe commemorative in marmo, tapparelle di plastica, cassette del gas, edicole votive, reti di protezione, pubblicità legali, impalcature, pubblicità abusive, ancora impalcature, delizie liberty, panni stesi, scheletri in cemento armato, tettoie in eternit, basolato, alluminio anodizzato, linoleum, intonaci sbiaditi, marmi policromi, altri panni stesi. 27 secoli di storia, il più vasto centro storico d'Europa, pari a circa 1700 ettari - 17
chilometri quadrati dell'intera superficie urbana ed una ricchezza urbana con pochi confronti.
Non si può pensare di pianificare ed indirizzare un luogo simile, senza lasciare aperti dei gradi di anarchia, o almeno di libera azione da parte di chi ci vive, perchè ognuno degli ingredienti qui sopra elencati, contribuisce a questa ricchezza.
L'architettura di questo organismo, per ciò che è e per ciò che deve continuare ad essere, pretende risposte complesse.
"As citizen-driven urban action becomes increasingly potent and
well-disseminated, the tension between spontaneous, bottom-up improvements and
top-down planning and policy is thrown into higher and higher relief. As often
as that tension might manifest through loud, messy confrontations, a great deal
of it simply takes the form of confusion. The bottom-ups and the top-downs
aren’t quite sure what to do with each other, so the future of cities remains
cloudy. How we get from here to a more harmonious future seems anybody’s guess.
urban renewal instruments might take an important role, but only if the
local authorities can turn these applications into local development programs.
In other
words, policymakers need to figure out better ways to facilitate and
channel the energy of engaged citizens, in order for their cities to reach
their full potential"
Urbanism .
"Naples is one of the most ancient cities in Europe, whose
contemporary urban fabric preserves the elements of its long and eventful
history. Its street pattern, its wealth of historic buildings from many
periods, and its setting on the Bay of Naples give it an outstanding universal
value without parallel, and one that has had a profound influence in many parts
of Europe and beyond."
"Much of the significance of Naples is due to its urban
fabric, which represents twenty-five centuries of growth. Little survives above
ground of the Greek town, but important archaeological discoveries have been
made in excavations since the end of the Second World War. Three sections of the original town walls of this
period are visible in the north-west. The surviving Roman remains are more
substantial, notably the large theatre, cemeteries and catacombs. The street
layout in the earliest parts of the city owes much to its classical origins."
"The period
that followed the collapse of the Roman Empire in the West saw the beginning of
church-building on a substantial scale, and churches such as those of San
Gennaro extra moenia, San Giorgio Maggiore, and San Giovanni Maggiore have
surviving elements of 4th- and 5th-century architecture. The chapel of Santa
Restituta in the 14th-century cathedral is reputed to be the first Christian
basilica in Naples. The Castel dell'Ovo is one of the most substantial
survivals from the Norman period. Built as a fortress-monastery on the site of
the villa of Lucullus, it was subsequently remodelled on several occasions, and
given its present form at the end of the 17th century."
“During the
Norman-Swabian period the city remained largely within its classical walls, but
the arrival of the Angevin kings saw it begin to expand and to absorb the
suburbs and neighbouring villages. The influence of western art and
architecture began to assert itself at this time. French Gothic pervaded both
religious and domestic architecture. From the Angevin period date religious
structures - the new cathedral, the churches of San Lorenzo Maggiore, San
Domenico Maggiore, Santa Chiara and others, and the secular buildings Castel
Nuovo, Castel Capuano and Palace of the Prince of Taranto. The strongest
influence came from southern France, and there is much fine Provençal Gothic
architecture in Naples.“
accession of the Aragonese dynasty saw much building and rebuilding. The town
walls were refurbished and rationalized. The Renaissance heritage of Naples is
mainly the work of Italian architects, with some from Catalonia. The San
Severino Palace, now demolished, was one of the most lavish buildings of its
period. A number of major churches date from this period (Santa Caterina a
Formiello and the Monteoliveto complex). The early 16th century saw the
beginning of two centuries of Spanish rule, and the strengthening once again of
the defences, particularly during the twenty years of the viceroyalty of Pedro
de Toledo, who initiated a planning policy for the city as part of his efforts
to carry out a social reorganization. The Royal Palace was built in 1600 and
fills one side of the imposing Piazza del Plebiscito. Church building included
such foundations as the Monte dei Poveri Vergognosi charitable institution, the
convent of Sant'Agostino degli Scalzi, and the Jesuit College on Capodimonte."
continued to grow outside the and these, too, saw the erection of large
religious and secular structures. Quarters both inside and outside the walls
became specialized according to nationality, social grade, and trade. The port
also grew to meet the City's increasing requirements in the 17th and 18th
centuries. The 19th century saw more radical changes in the street plan,
notably the creation of the Piazza Mercato during the reign of Ferdinand IV
after an area of wooden barrack buildings was destroyed by fire.
Following unification in 1860, a great deal of planning and rehabilitation took place. What had become slum quarters were cleared, as a result of which many earlier buildings were swept away and new roads were built, cutting through earlier street patterns."
BOLD AS LOVE - Jimi Hendrix
"Anger he smiles tow'ring shiny metallic purple armour.
Queen jealousy, envy waits behind him.
Her fiery green gown sneers at the grassy ground.
Blue are the life giving waters taking for granted,
They quietly understand."
"Once happy turquoise armies lay opposite ready,
But wonder why the fight is on.
But they're all, bold as love."
"Yeah, they're all bold as love.
Yeah, they're all bold as love.
Just ask the Axis."
"My red is so confident he flashes trophies of war
And ribbons of euphoria.
Orange is young, full of daring but very unsteady for the first go 'round.
My yellow in this case is no so mellow.
In fact I'm trying to say it's frightened like me"
"And all of these emotions of mine keep holding me
From giving my life to a rainbow like you.
But I'm a yeah, I'm bold as love,"
"Well, I'm bold, bold as love.
Il testo in italiano di "Bold as Love" non è altrettanto intenso, ma vale la pena leggerlo qui: