lunedì 17 dicembre 2018

Attitudine Critica

AR MAGAZINE, la pubblicazione dell'Ordine degli Architetti di Roma, ha cambiato radicalmente veste e mi sembra sia interessantissima la direzione che ha preso. 
L'edizione appena pubblicata, è un volume di circa 250 pagine, a mio parere particolarmente ben curato, sia nei contenuti che nella grafica.
Credo sia uno di quei volumi da leggere e tenere a portata di mano nel tempo, perchè è interamente dedicato a Bruno Zevi nel centenario della sua nascita: una delle menti più brillanti e radicali del secolo trascorso, nell'ambito dell'Architettura.
Naturalmente, come per tutte le personalità di questo calibro, la sua influenza è andata ben oltre i limiti di questa arte o mestiere. Certamente molto oltre i limiti dell'accademia.
Zevi viene studiato in tutte le scuole di architettura nel mondo e il suo "Saper Vedere l'Architettura", del '48, resta uno dei migliori testi per comprendere questa disciplina.

Per molti motivi, anche personali, sono sinceramente grato e onorato di essere stato invitato a partecipare con un mio articolo al ricordo di questo eccezionale uomo di cultura, anche perchè ritengo che il suo pensiero possa realmente fare ancora la differenza.

Grazie in particolare a Marco Sambo, anche per l'ottimo lavoro divulgativo che sta svolgendo in questi anni.


Mercado de Santa Caterina - Barcelona _ Arch. Enric Miralles

sabato 8 dicembre 2018

Robie House

Frank Lloyd Wright - Robie House
Frank Lloyd Wright, Robie House - Illustrazione di copertina, per il testo di Cesare De Sessa su uno degli architetti che amo incondizionatamente.
Ringrazio molto Architetti Roma Edizioni - ARe e in particolare a Marco Sambo, per l'occasione di poter "raccontare" con il disegno, questo capolavoro. 
Frank Lloyd Wright, Robie House - Front cover illustration for the book of Cesare De Sessa about one of the architects that I love unconditionally. Many thanks to Architetti Roma Edizioni - ARe and in particular to Marco Sambo, for the opportunity to use drawing to "talk" about this masterpiece.

venerdì 12 ottobre 2018

Rainy Roma

Rainy, wet day in October. The mood of Roma, at sunset

Red Lights Rome © Fabio Barilari

The Beauty… ah, Beauty--
As I led her to the window
I told her: 'You I loved the best in life
…but you're a killer; Beauty kills!'
Not really meaning to drop her
I immediately ran downstairs
getting there just in time to catch her
'You saved me!' she cried
I put her down and told her: 'Move on.'

Taken from "The Whole Mess ... Almost"
Gregory Corso 

sabato 1 settembre 2018

Sea Variations

"Time is more complex near the sea than in any other place, for in addition to the circling of the sun and the turning of the seasons, the waves beat out the passage of time on the rocks and the tides rise and fall as a great clepsydra."

John Steinbeck, Tortilla Flat

giovedì 2 agosto 2018

Reading the City - 12 Exhibitions in Korea

"Reading the City", la ricerca svolta per il Goethe-Institut sul rapporto tra città e biblioteche pubbliche in Germania, viene presentata in un ciclo di mostre in 12 differenti contesti in Corea del Sud. Dal 1° Settembre sarà esposta presso MAEGOK LIBRARY - 138-19, Maegok-ro, Buk-gu, Ulsan. Recentemente è stata in mostra alla PNU - Pusan National University Library, Busan - Corea del Sud, 
Grazie come sempre a Christina Hasenau e a tutte le persone del team che coordina.
"Reading the City", the research developed for the Goethe-Institut about the relation between cities and public libraries in Germany, is currently presented in an on-going series of exhibitions in 12different contexts in South Korea. From September 1 it will be exhibited at MAEGOK LIBRARY - 138-19, Maegok-ro, Buk-gu, Ulsan. Recently was presented at the PNU - Pusan National University Library, Busan - South Korea.
Many thanks, as always, to Christina Hasenau and to all her collaborators.

venerdì 20 luglio 2018

The Architectural Review - Folio

Very honored to be just published on The Architectural Review - Folio: a selection of works from all over the world, dedicated to Drawing Architecture research. 
This work is part of the "Out There" Series and, more widely,  of a speculative personal research dedicated to find new meanings and paths about the act of drawing in the current Post-Digital Revolution era.
Looking for a dialogue between unconscious hand drawing and hyper-rational software calculation.
The publication follows previous ones from the past years: Many thanks to The Architectural Review for their interest in my work. 

The Architectural Review _ DWG201017_b “Out There” Series

#architecturalreview #architecturelife #drawingarchitecture #designresearch #arqsketch #iarchitectures #archisketcher #architexture #arch_more #architecturalnotation #architecturestudent #dezeenmagazine #palimpsest #experimentalarchitecture #sketchporn #architecturedrawing #architectura #visualarts #machinearchitecture #graphic #superarchitects #architecturetheory #theoreticalarchitecture #liminalspace #archisketcher #speculativecoolness #swarmdraw #drawings #sketchbook #sketchporn #arqsketch #frame #arch20 #designboom

domenica 15 luglio 2018

"Mapping Paths" series

DWG130718 - "Mapping Paths" series

DWG140718 - "Mapping Paths" series

DWG170718 - "Mapping Paths" series

martedì 26 giugno 2018

Nasaru School, Kenya

Nasaru School Design - © Fabio Barilari

NASARU SCHOOL - Magadi, Kenya
In progress 
Fabio Barilari Architetti, in collaboration with Cristina Tirado andXavier Pahlen who have been working translating the original designs of the Lenkobei community. 
Thanks to Kéré Architecture for the inspiring designs and to Shaffiq Anjarwalla Architecture in Mombassa. 

Nasaru School Design - Concept

Nasaru School Design - Plan

Nasaru School Design - Studies

venerdì 15 giugno 2018

Il Desiderio di Essere Inutile

"Se mi trovo in compagnia di persone intelligenti non fa differenza se uno è italiano, etiope o argentino. Solo la stupidità e l'insensibilità non hanno bandiere."
Hugo Pratt, nato oggi, nel '27

Hugo Pratt - 15.06.1927 / 20.08.1995

"Il semplice desiderio di vivere meglio (...) La speranza di una vita migliore è, dopotutto, l'aspirazione di tutti, ma i sentieri che scegliamo per tentare di arrivarci sono molti e variano in base alla personalità di ciascuno di noi. Gli unici percorsi che mi sembrano condannabili sono quelli che fanno del male agli altri: io sono per la gentilezza, la gentilezza del forte, non la gentilezza che nasce dalla debolezza. E che si tratti di un aborigeno Australiano o di un venditore di ostriche nei Paesi Bassi, qualsiasi uomo, sotto qualsiasi costellazione, riesce a comprenderla; e anche i più violenti finiscono per essere sensibili ad essa.
Una delle ultime cose che riescono ancora a commuovermi oggi è proprio la gentilezza."

Argentina 1950

Patagonia, 1959
Nella VIII Armata Britannica, 1945

Il testo e le immagini qui sopra sono tratte dal bellissimo libro di Dominique Petitfaux e Hugo Pratt "Il Desiderio di Essere Inutile"

Corto Maltese

venerdì 23 marzo 2018

le_Flat published on Habitissimo

Molte grazie alla redazione di HABITISSIMO per il bell'articolo a cura di Francesca Romana Furlan.
Many thanks to the editorial staffo of HABITISSIMO for their beautiful article by Francesca Romana Furlan.

venerdì 9 marzo 2018

The Future is Unwritten

The Clash
1976 - 1982 (1986)

Joe Strummer - Lead vocals, rhythm guitar
Mick Jones - Lead guitar, lead vocals
Paul Simonon - Bass
Nick "Topper" Headon - Drums


From "Wikipedia"

The Clash's music was often charged with left-wing ideological sentiments. They are credited with pioneering the advocacy of radical politics in punk rock, and were dubbed the "Thinking Man's Yobs" by NME.
Like many early punk bands, the Clash protested against monarchy and aristocracy; however, unlike many of their peers, they rejected nihilism. Instead, they found solidarity with a number of contemporary liberation movements and were involved with such groups as the Anti - Nazi League.

On 30 April 1978, the Clash played the Rock Against Racism concert in London's Victoria Park for a crowd of 50–100,000 people. Their politics were made explicit in the lyrics of such early recordings as "White Riot", which encouraged disaffected white youths to riot like their black counterparts; "Career Opportunities", which addressed the alienation of low-paid, routinised jobs and discontent over the lack of alternatives; and "London's Burning", about the bleakness and boredom of life in the inner city.

The band's political sentiments were reflected in their resistance to the music industry's usual profit motivations; even at their peak, tickets to shows and souvenirs were reasonably priced.
The group insisted that CBS sell their double and triple album sets London Calling and Sandinista!  for the price of a single album each (then £5), succeeding with the former and compromising with the latter by agreeing to sell it for £5.99 and forfeit all their performance royalties on its first 200,000 sales. These "VFM" (value for money) principles meant that they were constantly in debt to CBS, and only started to break even around 1982.

venerdì 9 febbraio 2018

Street Fightin' Man

Everywhere I hear the sound of marching, charging feet, boy
'Cause summer's here and the time is right for fighting in the street, boy
Well what can a poor boy do
Except to sing for a rock 'n' roll band
'Cause in sleepy London town
There's just no place for a street fighting man
Hey! Think the time is right for a palace revolution
'Cause where I live the game to play is compromise solution
Well, then what can a poor boy do
Except to sing for a rock 'n' roll band
'Cause in sleepy London town
There's just no place for a street fighting man
Hey! Said my name is called disturbance
I'll shout and scream, I'll kill the king, I'll rail at all his servants
Well, what can a poor boy do
Except to sing for a rock 'n' roll band
'Cause in sleepy London town
There's just no place for a street fighting man


Originally titled and recorded as "Did Everyone Pay Their Dues?", containing the same music but very different lyrics, "Street Fighting Man" is known as one of Jagger and Richards' most politically inclined works to date.
Jagger allegedly wrote it about Tariq Ali after he attended a 1968 anti-war rally at London's US embassy, during which mounted police attempted to control a crowd of 25,000. 
He also found inspiration in the rising violence among student rioters on Paris' Left Bank, the precursor to a period of civil unrest in May 1968.
On the writing, Jagger said in a 1995 interview in Rolling StoneYeah, it was a direct inspiration, because by contrast, London was very quiet...It was a very strange time in France. But not only in France but also in America, because of the Vietnam War and these endless disruptions ... I thought it was a very good thing at the time. There was all this violence going on. 

Watts said in 2003,
"Street Fighting Man" was recorded on Keith's cassette with a 1930s toy drum kit called a London Jazz Kit Set, which I bought in an antiques shop, and which I've still got at home. It came in a little suitcase, and there were wire brackets you put the drums in; they were like small tambourines with no jangles... The snare drum was fantastic because it had a really thin skin with a snare right underneath, but only two strands of gut... Keith loved playing with the early cassette machines because they would overload, and when they overload they sounded fantastic, although you weren't meant to do that. We usually played in one of the bedrooms on tour. Keith would be sitting on a cushion playing a guitar and the tiny kit was a way of getting close to him. The drums were really loud compared to the acoustic guitar and the pitch of them would go right through the sound. You'd always have a great backbeat.
On the recording process itself, Richards remembered,

The basic track of that was done on a mono cassette with very distorted overrecording, on a Phillips with no limiters. Brian is playing sitar, it twangs away. He's holding notes that wouldn't come through if you had a board, you wouldn't be able to fit it in. But on a cassette if you just move the people, it does. Cut in the studio and then put on a tape. Started putting percussion and bass on it. That was really an electronic track, up in the realms. 

Street Fighting Man, è uscita nel 1968 e quest'anno compie 50 anni

giovedì 25 gennaio 2018

De Lighted


SYNSPECIES by Elías Merino and Tadej Droljc from synspecies on Vimeo.

SYNSPECIES is a new audiovisual project by Elías Merino and Tadej Droljc. This teaser was made from different excerpts of the full performance.

Audiovisual performance/installation
Flexible dimensions

[Electroacoustic sound and computer-generated video
2x channel audio
4K video]

SYNSPECIES is an audiovisual project created by Elías Merino and Tadej Droljc. It's inspired by virtual ecologies - unstable morphological spaces that emerge from an interaction of co-existing unrelated non-human entities with the void.

SYNSPECIES are multi-scaled audiovisual objects that are cross pollinating, mutating, adopting and fighting for their space and existence. They co-create a world of unreal physicality that is constantly kneaded by violent forces. Their existence appears to us as fractured narratives in the perceptual phenomena that resemble a chain of synchronised chaos.

The project feed on tangles made by computer-based code and analogue signals. They originate from Stockholm’s EMS Buchla and Serge modular systems, algorithmic sound and 3D geometry synthesis. The vivid abstract architectures of SYNSPECIES fluctuate in an ambiguous pulsating time hybridising and shaping new spaces confined in a perpetual disintegration process

giovedì 18 gennaio 2018

33.9 Sqm

All images are ©Fabio Barilari

Existenz Minimum - Architecture at the Micro-Scale