lunedì 19 giugno 2023

Fight For Your Right

I agree.


"Everything you can imagine is real" _ Pablo Picasso


sabato 10 giugno 2023

David Spriggs

David Spriggs | First Wave, 2021, Acrylic paint on layered transparencies, lightbox, framework

"The artwork of David Spriggs lies in a space between the 2 and 3 dimensions. In his work he explores phenomena, space-time and movement, colour, visual systems and surveillance, the strategies and symbols of power, and the thresholds of form and perception. Spriggs is known internationally for his unique large-scale 3D ephemeral-like installations that use a technique he pioneered in 1999 layering transparent images."

- from David Spriggs website

Art from i/o - David Spriggs & Peter Gabriel

‘Black & White’ is David Spriggs’ new addition to his large-scale ‘Stratachrome’ (layered colour) installations, each exploring the contemporary symbolism of colour and their aesthetic, perceptual and psychological implications. 

The installation is made with spray-painted pigment on 90 transparencies layered through the architectural space. The title of the work refers also to the psychology of ‘black and white’ thinking or splitting; a destructive thought pattern of thinking in absolutes. Spriggs separates the colours into visually opposing entities that lead the viewer to navigate centrally between them and observe the artwork from multiple viewpoints.

Video Music by Jonathan Fitas 'New Land - Ingenuous Extended Remix'
Curator: Dorothy Di Stefano

David Spriggs | First Wave, 2021, Acrylic paint on layered transparencies, lightbox, framework

David Spriggs | Stratachrome Green